Beginning in Real Estate with Next to Nothing

In 2016 my wife and two sons moved to Detroit, Michigan from living overseas for 8 years. (In case you don’t know, I’m a dual-career pastor and moved to Detroit to launch a new congregation.) I got licensed in real estate as a secondary way of supporting my family’s needs. However, pretty soon we’d invested all we had in starting up the new church. Consequently, I found myself launching a real estate business without a budget and without relationships in the area.

After struggling through a difficult first year I had the privilege of getting a coach. This one, simple change resulted in my real estate income more than doubling that same year and having the privilege of becoming one of Metro Detroit’s Top 20% producers. Pretty soon, I was at a place of production that would’ve supported a transition into “quitting my day job” had I wanted to!

Beginning Nichols Coaching

I don’t want to “quit my day job”… I love the work I get to do as a pastor. AND I love coaching and mentoring realtors. Many new realtors in Michigan hope to be able to become financially independent as their own boss. Still, others would simply like to have a successful, part-time income stream. Whichever the case, Nichols Coaching began in 2023 to provide new agents the coaching that gave me these options.

You can get the coaching you need to successfully start in real estate without upfront coaching costs!